Dedication Night- June 4, 2017

This last Sunday night was so much fun to gather at the “old bar” on Highway 99 and worship, pray, and take communion together.  We rented this space for over 5 years starting in 2008.  During this time we grew, saw lives changed and developed an incredible vision for this property.

We took many steps to purchase it but each one fell short.  We concluded that God was sending us elsewhere and emotionally let go of this property.  I remember thinking in my heart, “If God wants us here he knows how to get us here”.  But even as I was thinking these thoughts I never believed that we would be back.  God has a funny way of bringing you back to previous points in your life and letting you finish what was left undone.  This is where we are today…back at the place we were 4 years ago but this time with the money in the bank to purchase this building.

Standing on the stage again Sunday night brought a flood of emotions to my heart.  I felt as if God was saying to me, “Welcome Home”. It was a raw environment with no stage lights, or decorations.  Nothing was manicured or cleaned up.  I felt as if God was saying take a look at how bad it is; just soak it in.  There was no hiding the mess of things.  I have felt for a long time that this is what its like when we come to God; there really is no hiding our true selves and nature. He accepts us just as we are but as we submit to his leading, we are transformed into something beautiful and useful to him.  It is with this anticipation that North Creek walks forward in faith to see God’s transformation; not only of this location but a continued transformation of people’s hearts and lives as we surrender to him.  It brought the truth fresh to mind that the “church” is not a building, but the people who gather there.  I can say that the church is alive and well!

My favorite part of the night was writing scriptures and prayers on rocks as a memorial to what God is doing at North Creek.  I am excited for the rocks to become a permanent piece in our renovated building.  I feel they are representative of the excitement, anticipation, unity, and hope that we feel as a church.