There are sometimes in a Christians life when God interrupts everything and supernaturally steps in with a fresh breath of his presence. Whether you are at church or simply praying in a solitary place. It’s a moment when you can barely speak. For me, it is always accompanied with tears.
I don’t know about you, but I want that every day. It just seems that it is a rare thing these days. When I experience these moments of God’s presence in my life, I realize what God wants to do! He wants us to be people who hunger after him. To seek him first; to long to be with him; to cry out for more of him and more of his presence in our lives. It’s only from this posture and heart that we can step into the rest of our lives with the power and presence of God’s spirit and have any eternal impact.
I want to never lose this! The problem is I find myself going through a day and putting my head on my pillow having not spent the time in God’s presence. So many distractions keep me from doing the one thing God wants me to do. But when I back up and evaluate what is most important in my life, family, and ministry… I would answer prayer.
Jesus understood the value of daily prayer. Scriptures often say that when he awoke, he found a solitary place to pray. He stayed connected to his father in heaven by prioritizing prayer. He lived the verse, “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”.
To stay close to God, to know his heart, to never stray from his power at work in my life. I want to constantly live feeling his breath in my life, his voice in my ears and his spirit leading me.
I believe that God wants the church to be a people who prioritize prayer. To take him at his word that if we will humble ourselves and pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven and forgive our sin, and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
I know what God wants to do! He wants to do something new and fresh in our midst. He wants to reveal himself in a new way. I think he is simply waiting for us to pray.