This past January we preached a series titled, “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop!” That phrase is one that I have been praying a lot lately. I want it to sink into my heart and continue to motivate me to do what God has called me to do as a man, father, husband, and pastor. It’s easy to become discouraged and want to throw in the towel. Quite frankly, life is hard. If you make it through one days challenges, take a short breath because another one’s right behind it. If you’re not careful, you may stop right before God shows up and does the miraculous. That was the point I loved the most in Pastor Chris Harold’s message during this series…
“God uses the mundane for the miraculous.”
In Joshua chapter 6, God had asked the Israelite’s to march around the city of Jericho each day for 6 days without saying a word. I can imagine after they marched and returned to camp, they felt a little silly. What was God’s purpose in something so mundane? I can’t fully answer that question but I do know that if they had quit after day 6 they would have missed the victory of day 7.
On day 7 God asked them to march around the city 7 times but this day when Joshua gave the signal, they were to shout. As they let out the victory cry, the walls of Jericho fell!
You may not understand all that God has you doing in your everyday life, it may even seem mundane, but keep trusting God to use it for the miraculous in your life. There is value in continuing to do the right thing when it seems no one is noticing. There is value in obeying God when it doesn’t make much sense. There is value in staying motivated even when you don’t feel like it.
The reality is, we don’t have what it takes to make the walls fall in Jericho. Our best option is obedience to what God has asked us to do. He wants to get the glory for what happens in your life.
Let’s not stop! Keep pursuing God. Keep trusting him. Keep standing for him. Don’t stop on day 6! We never know what God will do in a day. Let’s wake up with the expectation that today can be the day that God’s miracle breaks through.
I’m not going to Stop pursuing the things of God! I’m not going to stop trusting God! I’m not going to stop standing for him! I can’t and I won’t!